What can you do when someone back out of your sales agreement contract?
Question by The Sargent: What can you do when someone back out of your sales agreement contract?
A guy had signed a bill of sale for the purchase of my car and agreed with the condition we stated together.… Continue reading
Q&A: can someone rent property that is not in their name?
Question by Amanda: can someone rent property that is not in their name?
i recently rented a house from “jane doe” and after i decided to move because after 3 months she hadn’t fixed the roof, i read the… Continue reading
If you enter a contract and then delegate the duty to someone else,?
Question by ♥R0CksT@r♥: If you enter a contract and then delegate the duty to someone else,?
are you reliable for the performance of the contract you delegated??
Best answer:
Answer by h8tfulbstrd
You could in turn take legal… Continue reading
where can i find the affidavit to contract marriage form to download or someone have a blank copy to email me?
Question by gunnyhoney1: where can i find the affidavit to contract marriage form to download or someone have a blank copy to email me?
i am trying to save myself some time when i am in manila to get… Continue reading