Art Licensing Manager Software
Take a tour of the database software designed for artists who license their art. Get your business organized so you don’t duplicate licenses, miss contract renewal dates. See where you are making money and with whom with the click of… Continue reading
Q&A: Software Contract!!!!?
Question by Maxim: Software Contract!!!!?
This is my software contract, say my company is HYNE and i was wondering if this is okay or not, if not then what do i need to do to make it… Continue reading
Q&A: Zune Software Problems (Easy 10 Points)?
Question by Serge: Zune Software Problems (Easy 10 Points)?
I Want To Add Videos And Music To My Zune But I Cannot Install The Software… It Says:
Print Accept Decline
I Hit… Continue reading
Q&A: what is the best music production software to buy?
Question by h0neybunny_trickyangel: what is the best music production software to buy?
heya, i want to create dance, electronic music anyone know any sort of music production software that would be good for a beginner, but have everything that… Continue reading
can you download free music without peer 2 peer software ?
Question by emmo: can you download free music without peer 2 peer software ?
since the eircom agreement ( canceling your internet subscription if caught downloading copyrighted music using peer to peer software ) im afraid to continue using… Continue reading