Initial moves towards banning P2P sites?
Question by JIM: Initial moves towards banning P2P sites?
On the basis that if 95% of the usage of a legal facility consists of illegal downloads then the facility itself should be outlawed, the RIAA is considering launching a… Continue reading
Best web 2.0 sites?
Question by Salazar: Best web 2.0 sites?
This is actually several questions. I want to organize my bookmarks and want the best FREE sites. So name me the following:
1 – Best site for online storage of media… Continue reading
Q&A: Do sites like Limewire and Kazza really care if you download illegal music?
Question by Russell Mania: Do sites like Limewire and Kazza really care if you download illegal music?
I know they make you accept the terms and agreement, which says you won’t don’t load anything illegal before you… Continue reading