Google’s Eric Schmidt: Blocking file-sharing sites would make U.S., Britain like China
Bomb the Music Industry!
Image by joevaasphoto
Google’s Eric Schmidt: Blocking file-sharing sites would make U.S., Britain like China
Eric Schmidt, Google’s executive chairman, said on Wednesday that proposals from the U.S. and U.K. governments to… Continue reading
Revised Legislation Empowers U.S. to Shut Down Piracy Web Sites
Revised Legislation Empowers U.S. to Shut Down Piracy Web Sites
A revamped federal legislation would authorize the Department of Justice to go after Web sites hosting, selling and distributing copyrighted content including pirated software.
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Lime Wire… Continue reading
hey, u know where can i sell my music database ( 243,000) 1 terra byte , online ? sites like ebay………….
Question by abhinav: hey, u know where can i sell my music database ( 243,000) 1 terra byte , online ? sites like ebay………….
hey guys, well i sold my complete database over ebay for like… Continue reading
Q&A: Music downloading sites?
Question by Disa: Music downloading sites?
Now that Limewire has been shutdown due to illegal distribution of music ect. I am unable to get free music and Music videos. I need a site that requires no membership. No viruses.… Continue reading
What are the sites where a composer can sell his music(music tracks)?
Question by Harry: What are the sites where a composer can sell his music(music tracks)?
I am a composer and I want to sell my music tracks.Please recommend some LEGAL sites where I can sell my compositions.Thanks.
Best answer:… Continue reading