why are people so quick to accept garbage, and immorality, singers don’t do blow jobs for 20 bucks, do they?
Question by Herb V: why are people so quick to accept garbage, and immorality, singers don’t do blow jobs for 20 bucks, do they?
this David Hernandez guy chose to work in a club where he stripped and did… Continue reading
Anyone know of any record labels looking to sign country singers that i can send a CD to?
Question by Emily: Anyone know of any record labels looking to sign country singers that i can send a CD to?
Im looking for a record label to sign me. I sing country/pop style quite like taylor swift and… Continue reading
Anyone know any talented young female pop singers?
Question by The Coach: Anyone know any talented young female pop singers?
I own a successful music publishing company and am in need of a female singer who can sing and record songs in my catalog. I need a… Continue reading
Q&A: Question about youtube singers?
Question by indistress.damsel: Question about youtube singers?
I have promoted a couple of very talented singers on youtube, most of them are my friends hoping to get a break from the recording industry. However , through posting videos of… Continue reading
Looking For Rappers, Singers, Models, SIGN UP @ BeastmodeNetwork.com

Vonnie Dones, founder of SMASH THE MIC presents VONNIE DONES “BEASTMODE”. Want To Gain Exposure, Open For Major Celebrities, Perform At The Hottest Events, Network & Meet New People? Visit www.beastmodenetwork.com ………Extra Tags….. Download Drake Over instrumental, Record Deal, Rap… Continue reading