Can a 17 year old sign a contract for music management?
Question by Dj Speed: Can a 17 year old sign a contract for music management?
Best answer:
Answer by naotakun
Yes but in some states a contract isn’t valid until 18 and some music companies won’t sign
Give your… Continue reading
Q&A: How to get out of a sign contract which is a scam? Need help fast!!?
Question by otis j: How to get out of a sign contract which is a scam? Need help fast!!?
Im so stress out right now! I had find out that this so called company to help… Continue reading
Whitecaps Sign Wagner
Whitecaps Sign Wagner
Vancouver Whitecaps FC continue to shape their Major League Soccer roster by announcing today the signings of defender/midfielder Blake Wagner and striker Long Tan.
Read more on Soccer365
Australian Market Trades Weak
The Australian market is trading… Continue reading
How do you sign contracts (such as leases) in the name of a business you own?
Question by fnguy83: How do you sign contracts (such as leases) in the name of a business you own?
I am about to sign the lease for a S-Corp I just founded and I want to know how to… Continue reading
Q&A: An Entertainment Company in Nashville wants me to sign a contract giving them publishing rights?
Question by jewelsday222: An Entertainment Company in Nashville wants me to sign a contract giving them publishing rights?
I have 45 songs and they said if i give up 100% publishing to them they will produce… Continue reading