Looking For Rappers, Singers, Models, SIGN UP @ BeastmodeNetwork.com

Vonnie Dones, founder of SMASH THE MIC presents VONNIE DONES “BEASTMODE”. Want To Gain Exposure, Open For Major Celebrities, Perform At The Hottest Events, Network & Meet New People? Visit www.beastmodenetwork.com ………Extra Tags….. Download Drake Over instrumental, Record Deal, Rap… Continue reading
Should I Sign to a Major Label who has afford me a deal?
Question by Monica N: Should I Sign to a Major Label who has afford me a deal?
A few days ago I was afford a 3 album deal over the course of 6… Continue reading
Before you record in a recording studio, do you have to sign a ‘contract’?
Question by Emma R: Before you record in a recording studio, do you have to sign a ‘contract’?
That states you will treat all the recording equipment well, and that anything is broken you have to pay… Continue reading
Do you sign live performance agreements when booking bands for charity shows?
Question by TheGirlWhoPlaysWithFire: Do you sign live performance agreements when booking bands for charity shows?
400-500 people show for charity. Does the organizer instigate the signing of a contract or is one even signed at all?… Continue reading
Q&A: I need to find a sample contract for my band to sign that play in my wine bar?
Question by Sue C: I need to find a sample contract for my band to sign that play in my wine bar?
Looking for a document that I can sign and the bands that play music… Continue reading