Q&A: What Contract Do I Have Music Producers Sign To Give Me Rights To Their Beats?
Question by WhiteWood: What Contract Do I Have Music Producers Sign To Give Me Rights To Their Beats?
The question says it all. I make music. And I have lots of producers wanting to give me… Continue reading
im about to sign a contract with a music producer.but he wants me to take only 30% of the money.should I Sign?
Question by pillsberydopeboy: im about to sign a contract with a music producer.but he wants me to take only 30% of the money.should I Sign?
i dont want to be greedy, but is 30% all… Continue reading
Q&A: Rap: If Dr. Dre is SIGNED to Interscope Records, then how did HE SIGN Eminem?this is confusing(read details?
Question by Lick Me: Rap: If Dr. Dre is SIGNED to Interscope Records, then how did HE SIGN Eminem?this is confusing(read details?
Ok, i know that every big record label. For example, Interscope has Aftermath Records….so when Eminem got… Continue reading
Q&A: How do you sign a band that has members under the age of 18?
Question by biteme13: How do you sign a band that has members under the age of 18?
OK I posted a question the other night and didn’t get any insightful answers. Hoping this is different.
There… Continue reading