Where can I send in my song lyrics to bands/music companies to have them recorded into songs?
Question by StarStar: Where can I send in my song lyrics to bands/music companies to have them recorded into songs?
Best answer:
Answer by WaqzZz
Hi The Best Thing You Can Do Is Make A ‘Music Myspace… Continue reading
Logic Pro 8 Music Mixing Tips : Logic Pro 8: Adjusting Send Levels

Logic Pro 8 has adjustable send levels that change the volume of each track sent to another.Record, mix and edit songs with the best of them using these tips from an experienced music producer in this free video. Expert: Rattanak… Continue reading
how can i send my demo to record labels. and what labels should i send it to?
Question by chitowngurl95: how can i send my demo to record labels. and what labels should i send it to?
I am 13 and sing R&B Beyonce, Alicia Keys, Rihanna, ect.
Best answer:
Answer by Chery E
Do you… Continue reading
Does anybody know any record labels i can just send demos to?
Question by swagGuy M: Does anybody know any record labels i can just send demos to?
Hey you guys i wanted to know if there’s any labels i can just flat out send my demo to? As in i… Continue reading
Should I send my demo to a couple record labels? I mean what’s the best way to get a record deal?
Question by sydney i: Should I send my demo to a couple record labels? I mean what’s the best way to get a record deal?
Can some one please tell me the best way to get a… Continue reading