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Kanye, Radiohead and Gaga
The ever-boastful Kanye West has identified himself with some fairly huge personalities: Michelangelo, Picasso, fashion designer Alexander McQueen, filmmaker James Cameron and, uh, the people who built the Egyptian pyramids (and that was all spouted during… Continue reading

Sasuke Uchiha Amv – Hollywood Undead – Sell your soul (Naruto)

READ ME (Click High Quality) ======================== **NOTE: This AMV Naruto are made with non-profit or does not represent another company. This is purely made for Naruto Fan, Bleach and other Anime. Credited to TV Tokyo and Association.** Remember: “Subscribe, Rate… Continue reading

Where can i sell my music online FOR FREE.?

Question by DAlbert K: Where can i sell my music online FOR FREE.?
Selling music online for free? is it possible? If so, where??????????????

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Does anyone know of any good online music stores where an independent musician can sell his music?

Question by joe: Does anyone know of any good online music stores where an independent musician can sell his music?
I’m talking about the kind where you can design your own online store and they can warehouse your cds… Continue reading