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Where do you send your music to sell professionally? if they dont accept solitcit material?

Question by playasmooth2005: Where do you send your music to sell professionally? if they dont accept solitcit material?
so how do u get it heard and sell ur music?

Best answer:

Answer by sydney_sunday… Continue reading

I am a Great Songwriter and I would like to sell my songs that I wrote or get a contract to write for artist?

Question by Samantha: I am a Great Songwriter and I would like to sell my songs that I wrote or get a contract to write for artist?
I am a songwriter whom would like… Continue reading

Latest Sell Music Online News

AdweekMedia’s Agency of the Year 2010
Finding companies that have done something different is not that difficult. Finding firms that have been both innovative and successful is somewhat harder. We’re pleased to have found no less than eight such companies.… Continue reading

how can i sell music online?

Question by johnnie: how can i sell music online?
with rhapsody or itunes

Best answer:

Answer by MarcapPub
Contact your Agent or Publisher. That is the only way.

Beware of places which charge you a fee to… Continue reading

Is it legal to sell music download URLs on eBay?

Question by fantasticprince: Is it legal to sell music download URLs on eBay?
I posted a similar question a few minutes ago without any specifics. Is it legal to sell URL’s to foreign music download websites, which offer mp3s… Continue reading