Q&A: best ways to sell music online….?
Question by someone: best ways to sell music online….?
i dont want to signup to a site, i actually want to run my own website, with the facility to allow my users to download my tracks.… Continue reading
Why does sex sell in music videos and such?
Question by Kristin: Why does sex sell in music videos and such?
There are so many music videos that have so much sexual content and I’ve heard that singers do this to help make… Continue reading
Latest Sell Your Music Online News
WPAZ back on air as new owners flip switch
LOWER POTTSGROVE — After months of planning and hard work to get WPAZ back on the air, the project came to fruition Thursday afternoon, and the task was accomplished with the… Continue reading
Latest Sell Music News
Ed Gibbs, Devil Sold His Soul
Image by © Natalia Balcerska Photography
Devil Sold His Soul at The Music Box in Manchester, England on 13th October 2008
Saturday Night Live – Calvin Russell
Calvin has been there, Calvin… Continue reading
WDrummin – Sell Your Soul (Drum Cover)
*As always this is more of a remix to the song it is intentionally played different then the original, when i do covers i like to play them the way I would and not copying someone Else’s idea. Thanks!* Song:… Continue reading