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Can you buy iTunes music, download it onto your iPod, and sell the music again and the music is still in iPod?

Question by HAI N: Can you buy iTunes music, download it onto your iPod, and sell the music again and the music is still in iPod?
Is buying an iPod a ripoff?

Best answer:

Answer by soccerfan158
WHAT!? you… Continue reading

How do you SELL music that you have produced.?

Question by SuccessIsMyOnlyOption: How do you SELL music that you have produced.?
And when I say SELL, I mean SELL, like something similar to iTunes, where you don’t necessarily have to have an album, but instead sell a song… Continue reading

Music Collectors Can Rejoice: Promo CDs Are Legal to Sell

Music Collectors Can Rejoice: Promo CDs Are Legal to Sell
It took a federal court decision to give music collectors a sigh of relief that they don’t have to worry about repercussions from selling promos CDs anymore.
Read more on… Continue reading

Creating a free website to sell my music and merch?

Question by Jacob Wright: Creating a free website to sell my music and merch?
Ok, I’ve been trying to sell my music online. But everywhere I go its pay pal only. I’m wanting to set up… Continue reading

What’s the best site or method to use to sell your own original music digitally on the net?

Question by durrell924: What’s the best site or method to use to sell your own original music digitally on the net?
any and all advice will be greatly appreciated… thanx!

Best answer:

Answer by rockindazzler
you… Continue reading