No More Hidden Beach For Jill Scott; Grammy Winner Enters Deal With Warner Bros. Records
No More Hidden Beach For Jill Scott; Grammy Winner Enters Deal With Warner Bros. Records
Filed under: Music , News , Celeb Updates Getting off her record label has been a long time coming for Jill Scott , but it… Continue reading
Scott Walker’s War
Scott Walker’s War
For me and other journalists, the past two weeks have been riveting. I’ve interviewed dozens of protesters at the state Capitol, from schoolteachers to prison guards. I was there in the Senate chamber when it became clear… Continue reading
Jays sign Scott Podsednik
Jays sign Scott Podsednik
Toronto adds more speed to the lineup
Read more on The Globe and Mail
WINNIPEG — Jonathan Hefney is remaining with the Winnipeg Blue Bombers.
The defensive back re-signed with the CFL club Tuesday, hours before… Continue reading
Patric Scott – Flesh And Bones (HD) Official Music Video

Patric Scott Flesh & Bones Buy the Album: / Thanx to: Annelie, J.Ann, Marcel, Kiara, Tino, Jeffrey, Henry, Esther, Doris
The first part of a series of lets play pro cycling manager I realise that the music… Continue reading
The Pace Report: Marcus Miller “Tutu Revisited” with special guest Christian Scott

In 1985 trumpeter Miles Davis’s record contract was up and signed with Warner Brothers. Under the direction of Tommy LiPuma, he wanted Miles’s first recording to be bona-fide success as well as bring a young and funky sound to the… Continue reading