Do u think this is a scam?
Question by Savanna: Do u think this is a scam?
I recently entered the paramount songwriting contest and entered a song I wrote when I was ten (4 years ago) and they said my music was good… Continue reading
HELP! I need to know if this is a modeling scam?
Question by singer_chica_dancer: HELP! I need to know if this is a modeling scam?
Hey I was recently contacted by someone off of I am a professional runway and print model for the Seattle,WA market. Can you guys… Continue reading
Q&A: ACN a scam or rip off?
Question by John D: ACN a scam or rip off?
Is ACN a scam?
Some say yes, some say no. However, many explain that it’s nearly impossible to earn good money while ACN rips you off as a representative.… Continue reading
So this guy tried to add me on face-book…is this a scam?
Question by Hannah 🙂: So this guy tried to add me on face-book…is this a scam?
So I got on and there was a request from this guy.
His name is Ryan Nordsturm and he sent me this message… Continue reading
Broken business contract:Lost 30k from scam artist..Is threatening to go to the FBI+States Attorney Blackmail?
Question by Diego: Broken business contract:Lost 30k from scam artist..Is threatening to go to the FBI+States Attorney Blackmail?
OK So here is the scoop: I had a business contract with a guy that was broken by him and it… Continue reading