Times change, song remains the same
dj artist andy moon
Image by rafeejewell
It’s been a long time since I had a chance to listen to DJ Andy Moon on the Second Life grid. He is a real life dj and music producer that is rarely… Continue reading
Times change, song remains the same
Times change, song remains the same
The Village of today is a place of chain stores, condos and apartments with sky-high rents. This was once the place where — as documented in Bob Dylan’s “Tangled Up in Blue” — there… Continue reading
Music files saved on harddrive through itunes, can these same files be managed in another music mgmt system?
Question by bkstar: Music files saved on harddrive through itunes, can these same files be managed in another music mgmt system?
My husband has downloaded a lot of music through itunes on our harddrive. I don’t have… Continue reading
Is it possible to take business and music at the same time?
Question by GKo: Is it possible to take business and music at the same time?
I am trying to get into university in a business faculty, but I also want to do a… Continue reading
Same wavelength?
Same wavelength?
How the US hopes free radios will counter Taliban propaganda
Read more on BBC News
Where does Google TV go from here?
The major TV networks fear that Google plans to distribute their content over the Web without… Continue reading