Where can I find a sample contract for a wine importer or winery international sales representative?
Question by sdmiasd: Where can I find a sample contract for a wine importer or winery international sales representative?
I am interested in representing a winery that wants to do business in Mexico. I do not want… Continue reading
Designing a Mobile Sales App – Create a Sales Order App
Canvas can be found at www.gocanvas.com Most businesses need to sell things to make money, and sales typically require some record of a contract to make them work. Well use Canvas to publish a simple sales order app for our… Continue reading
Powerful Promo Video Template No. 8 Travel Theme to Make More Sales
This is Sallie’s Creative Videos No. 8 video template with travel theme. Get an affordable high impact video for your website. Watch your sales go up!
Video Rating: 0 / 5
This was filmed in a small town in Southern… Continue reading
Licensing music for online sales?
Question by swampgrassmusic: Licensing music for online sales?
I have asked this before and have not got a satisfactory answer. As part of my business and marketing plan I want to sell music downloads on my page.… Continue reading
What type of Internet music sales distribution would you prefer?
Question by r c music: What type of Internet music sales distribution would you prefer?
would you prefer paying $ 35 as a registration fee plus 9% on internet sales & $ 4 on each c.d sold or a… Continue reading