U.S. mobile commerce sales to hit $3.4 billion this year
U.S. mobile commerce sales to hit .4 billion this year
Emerging technologies research firm says 2010 sales will grow 143% over 2009.
Read more on InternetRetailer.com
Google Moves on 3D Graphics for JavaScript
WebGL API offers hardware-accelerated graphics without the… Continue reading
Music promotion sales prices opinion?
Question by Goody: Music promotion sales prices opinion?
ok i am going to be a promoter for 1ia entertainment…some other local rappers want me to promote for them because i am extremely gifted at networking…here are my deals so… Continue reading
Marketing Strategies : Starting a Sales Promotion

Before starting a sales promotion, a person should decide what their customer base is and who they are trying to pull in with a sales promotion. Use a sales promotion to get people in the door of a business withhelp… Continue reading
sample of general sales agent for air cargo service agreement?
Question by areo f: sample of general sales agent for air cargo service agreement?
sample of general sales agent for air cargo service agreement or contract with an air cargo carrier
Best answer:
Answer by coconut
Give your… Continue reading
why use the plural form sellers and buyers instead of seller and buyer as signing parties in a sales contract?
Question by Joseph Tu: why use the plural form sellers and buyers instead of seller and buyer as signing parties in a sales contract?
e.g. This contract is made by and between the Sellers and the Buyers;Whereby the Sellers… Continue reading