Saints: Cracks in the pact
CPE Demonstration
Image by salmannas
The contrat première embauche (CPE), translated first employment contract, was a new form of employment contract pushed in spring 2006 in France by Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin. However, the enactment of this amendment to… Continue reading
When the Saints Go Down to Miami
My sister, Gemi Bordelon, wrote a Saints inspired song to the tune of a Kenny Chesney hit for her daughter’s school “Saints” pep rally they are hosting on 2/5/10. (Louisiana and Chesney’s island vibe go hand and hand. He’s a… Continue reading
Utah Saints Something Good ’08 : Download OUT NOW!!
ADD ME ON AIM, SN = DSDF Download “Something Good 08” from iTunes now! PRE-ORDER ‘SOMETHING GOOD ’08’ DOWNLOAD TO YOUR PC VIA YOUR MOBILE! Text UTAH to 78789 Utah Saints, Something Good 08 – this is The Van… Continue reading
Saints Row-Vice Kings-mission 2-…To Kingdom Come

Johnny wanted you to help out Aisha, Stilwater’s famous hip hop artist, who was signed with Kingdom Come Records, a company owned by the Vice Kings. In order to get Aisha out of her contract, you helped her fake her… Continue reading
Saints LA Completes VFX For Red and Meat & Potatoes
Saints LA Completes VFX For Red and Meat & Potatoes
Downtown Los Angeles, CA, October 21, 2010 – Saints LA, a full-service visual effects house, specializing in the creation of visual imagery for feature films, TV commercials, television programs, promos,… Continue reading