Rahasya Media Group LLC (Copy Right Sample)
This video is Copy righted by Rahasya Media Group LLC. This is a sample for online contract, Not for personal use. Thank you… Designed and Edit by saqib manzoor. Authorized by Rahasya Media Group LLC.

This is a teaching sample,… Continue reading
One Way Ticket – Time is Right
The 1960’s in London were probably the most exciting years in the history of music as groups and singers from all over the country headed for the Capital to lay down their works of art in some of the best… Continue reading
How bad is the music business industry right now?
Question by kkineticc: How bad is the music business industry right now?
I know it’s hurting, but how bad? All jobs are hurting now, but is this on going to ever bounce back or are indie labels taking away… Continue reading
Why cant i scroll left to right in itunes to accept agreement for new ipod?
Question by big fella: Why cant i scroll left to right in itunes to accept agreement for new ipod?
i cant see the left side of the agreement so i cant work the ipod. it is a new nano… Continue reading
Songwriters Law Seminar – The Public Performance Right in Musical Compositions
On June 12th, 2010, Beame & Mencher LLP held Part One of the Songwriters Law Seminar at The Living Room in New York City. Part One, entitled Copyright & Collaboration, explored issues of copyright that affect songwriters and the mechanics… Continue reading