How can Microsoft afford to sell unlimited music rental Zune Pass for $15 dollars while Apple sells $1 songs?
Question by Chandler: How can Microsoft afford to sell unlimited music rental Zune Pass for dollars while Apple sells songs?
Microsoft sells their Zune pass for $ 15 for unlimited downloads to your portable music player.… Continue reading
Local real estate attorneys apparently don’t need my business. Can I safely write my own rental agreement?
Question by CJ: Local real estate attorneys apparently don’t need my business. Can I safely write my own rental agreement?
At least four local real estate agents have not returned my call for help with a contract to rent… Continue reading
Rental agreement contract in North Carolina?
Question by Mailliw: Rental agreement contract in North Carolina?
I have just relocated to Raleigh, NC and am unfamiliar with the area. I just signed a lease for a townhouse in SE Raleigh, and went to… Continue reading
Is it a breach of contract if the real estate agent doesn’t provide an inspection form for rental property?
Question by a_life: Is it a breach of contract if the real estate agent doesn’t provide an inspection form for rental property?
As tenants we were never provided with one.
Best answer:
Answer by chipedwards89
No. An… Continue reading
I am looking for a sample of a rental contract between a private renter and rentee?
Question by mvance: I am looking for a sample of a rental contract between a private renter and rentee?
Best answer:
Answer by AngeloElectro
It’s called a lease.
Just google “sample lease” or “rental agreement”. There are hundreds.
If… Continue reading