Remix Competition: Win a Release and Get a Record Deal!

+ The chance to win a release for your remix + The chance to get a record-contract + EXCLUSIVE Above recordings Apparels Deadline: 5’th of SEPTEMBER 2010 … Winner will be picked by: Orjan Nilsen, Van Dresen, ThomasR, Lasheen and… Continue reading
29.11.2010 – PRESS RELEASE: DEAG Deutsche Entertainment Aktiengesellschaft: DEAG Classics AG sets up open-air opera …
music drive
Image by [salsus]
I just think this is kinda funny
29.11.2010 – PRESS RELEASE: DEAG Deutsche Entertainment Aktiengesellschaft: DEAG Classics AG sets up open-air opera …
Taeglich aktuelle Nachrichten, Berichte, Analysen und Interviews zu aktuellen Themen an der… Continue reading
#cablegate: Latest WikiLeaks release plunges US diplomats into damage limitation
#cablegate: Latest WikiLeaks release plunges US diplomats into damage limitation
Among the most significant revelations is evidence that Saudi Arabia urged the US to attack Iran and put an end to its nuclear programme – calling for the US to… Continue reading
Q&A: Songwriter/musician needs financial backing of album release.?
Question by Gasserpe: Songwriter/musician needs financial backing of album release.?
Greetings: my name is Alex Jenkins, Fort Myers Florida (stage name “Gasserpe).
I have fifteen unreleased albums, and two hundred additional songs ready for market. I do… Continue reading
Quarterfly signs to release album nationally
Quarterfly signs to release album nationally
Having toiled on the local and regional music scenes for the past six years, Quarterfly has finally gotten a big break.
Read more on Spartanburg Herald-Journal
NBC’s ‘Sing-Off’ to return in December
LOS ANGELES,… Continue reading