Why do American Idol contestants get record contracts even though they can’t SING???
Question by AWorldThatNeedsToCalmDown: Why do American Idol contestants get record contracts even though they can’t SING???
Like Fantasia(I sampled her c.d at a record store. Wannabe Macy Gray?), Taylor Hicks, Diana Degormo or something.Lol.… Continue reading
how does a band get a record contract? how do i get my band’s demo on the radio?
Question by Ryan: how does a band get a record contract? how do i get my band’s demo on the radio?
How do i get a record contract from a major record label? is there an address i ship… Continue reading
Will the future of the major record labels die out?
Question by You Too: Will the future of the major record labels die out?
Or do you think that they’re change with the times? I mean now more than ever there’s a platform for new and current artist to… Continue reading
working for record label
Conversation with Dir of Marketing for a record label
Video Rating: 5 / 5
I would like to become a lawyer for musicians with contracts, record deals, advice giving where should?
Question by Sir K: I would like to become a lawyer for musicians with contracts, record deals, advice giving where should?
…I go as far as a college is concerned?
First of all, what TYPE of lawyer would that… Continue reading