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Q&A: does anybody no a music promoter and someone who does record deals and music contracts?

Question by antwan: does anybody no a music promoter and someone who does record deals and music contracts?
in the sate of georga and florida…i live in atlanta

Best answer:

Answer by AzCarl
My brother owns an… Continue reading

Q&A: How do you submit hip-hop beats to record labels?

Question by Austin Brasch: How do you submit hip-hop beats to record labels?
I’m an up and coming music producer and I got great skill! I have a unique sound and I’m defiantly a trend setter.… Continue reading

I have a few questions about record labels?

Question by Missy_Chick.: I have a few questions about record labels?
Hi everyone, I am a 14 year old girl. I have a few questions about record labels. If I were to send in a demo CD, what would… Continue reading

What is up with all these record deals and contracts?

Question by Mr. Stokes: What is up with all these record deals and contracts?
I wanted to know from someone who knows or if there is a website that tells you about all the different deals in… Continue reading

How to Get Signed to a Record Label – Easiest Way

I am giving up my Industry Contacts for FREE! www.mixtapejungle.com Follow the Link to Download the A&R Contact List for FREE! What’s the sense of making great Music without knowing the right people in the Industry? I’m tired of the… Continue reading