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How to get a record deal

www.arselect.com www.arselect.com. Info on How to get a record deal. A&R Select offers Full Service label services sales and marketing to labels and artists. Our A&R department delivers successful campaigns to independently launch and promote your music through professional tools.… Continue reading

Can you be signed to 2 record labels at once?

Question by z3r0BurnZ: Can you be signed to 2 record labels at once?
I know this question is probley retarted but can you be signed to 2 record labels at the same time?

Best answer:

Answer by TheMicMessiah
No,this… Continue reading

how do you get a record contract if you make music?

Question by YUNG-A: how do you get a record contract if you make music?

Best answer:

Answer by ؆†Ø
have talent and meet someone who likes your skills. it’s called networking.

Add your own answer in the comments!

What age do you have to be to sign a contract with a record label?

Question by Meh: What age do you have to be to sign a contract with a record label?
… just wondering. If anyone can tell me…

Best answer:

Answer by glmschick
I believe that a minor has to has… Continue reading

How to Get a Record Deal : Press & TV Appearances: How to Get a Record Deal

Learn how to use press and TV appearances to get a record deal, or recording contract in this free online instructional video. Expert: Barry Bergman Bio: Barry Bergman is a veteran manager, music publisher, speaker, consultant, who is the president… Continue reading