How to Get a Record Deal : Getting Ahead of the Competition: How to Get a Record Deal
Learn how to get ahead of the competition to get a record deal, or recording contract in this free online instructional video. Expert: Barry Bergman Bio: Barry Bergman is a veteran manager, music publisher, speaker, consultant, who is the president… Continue reading
How do I copyright an album my record label is releasing?
Question by the sludge: How do I copyright an album my record label is releasing?
I am putting out a split CD of two small independent metal bands. Do I need a signed contract from both bands to copyright… Continue reading
How to Make a Demo Tape : How to Record Vocals on a Demo Tape
Learn how to record vocals for a music demo tape or CD to get a recording contract in this free online video clip. Expert: Jerimae Yoder Contact: Bio: Jerimae Yoder began his musical journey in Northern Indiana and began… Continue reading
How to Make a Record Album : Plug-ins for the Digital Audio Workstation: Making an Album
Find out how to use plug-ins for a digital audio workstation. Learn how tobecome a music producer and get tips on what it takes to make a great album. These free studio recording videos help you get started producing your… Continue reading
What are some good hip hop record labels?
Question by Robert: What are some good hip hop record labels?
A list of record labels would be nice.
Best answer:
Answer by sockerman17
Roc-A-Fella Recods
Interscope Records
Shady Records/ Aftermath
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!