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Q&A: Should all contracts and record deals with Chris Brown be thrown out and he be blacklisted?

Question by Fly in the Ointment: Should all contracts and record deals with Chris Brown be thrown out and he be blacklisted?
An example needs to be set that beating a woman is wrong. Hopefully 4… Continue reading

Anyone know of any record labels looking to sign country singers that i can send a CD to?

Question by Emily: Anyone know of any record labels looking to sign country singers that i can send a CD to?
Im looking for a record label to sign me. I sing country/pop style quite like taylor swift and… Continue reading

What are the big record labels in Toronto?

Question by Cat-like-reactions: What are the big record labels in Toronto?
what are the ‘major’ or just well known record labels in Toronto called?
except from sony bmg.

Best answer:

Answer by Read My Lips
sony bmg is probably… Continue reading

Propellerhead Record – 2 of 2

Record is the latest from Propellerhead–and appropriately, the latest from Platinum Labs. Record is a straightforward interface focused on capturing the performance without sacrificing power or flexibility. Learn Record alongside Edward Rendini as he builds a loop from scratch, using… Continue reading

Who suffers more from illegal music downloading. Record Companies or the Artists?

Question by beanerboy: Who suffers more from illegal music downloading. Record Companies or the Artists?
I just want to know because i want to download the new artic monkeys cd. I would really hate to hurt… Continue reading