What are the main differences between major and independent record labels?
Question by Lewis: What are the main differences between major and independent record labels?
Such as between Warner Music Group + Warp Records?
Any help is appreciated, thanks.
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how do the record companies catch and sue people downloading illegal music from sharing softwares like Kazaa?
Question by Lil K: how do the record companies catch and sue people downloading illegal music from sharing softwares like Kazaa?
how do the record companies catch and sue people downloading illegal music from sharing softwares like Kazaa and… Continue reading
How is The Tate Music Group getting away with charging artists $2,000.00 to be signed to their record company?
Question by President: How is The Tate Music Group getting away with charging artists ,000.00 to be signed to their record company?
First, I am not going to fault any artist for trying and that believes in… Continue reading
Are there any good independent record labels based out of Columbus, Ohio?
Question by Stephen: Are there any good independent record labels based out of Columbus, Ohio?
I have recently been shopping around my demo, and I would like to start off somewhere close to where I am from.… Continue reading
What are some country record labels that accept demos?
Question by Sarabeth Kathryn: What are some country record labels that accept demos?
I sing country music and everyone says I am SO good. I want to be a country singer. I write my own music and play guitar.… Continue reading