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What kind of degree should i pursue if I want to own a Record Company one day?

Question by Ren Ren: What kind of degree should i pursue if I want to own a Record Company one day?
I was thinking something in business but that is a really broad subject, and I can’t figure out… Continue reading

If I were to send a demo to a local record label.. ?

Question by coffeedude: If I were to send a demo to a local record label.. ?
and if they happened to like my demo, what would happen from there?? I’m a solo musician who records his own… Continue reading

Jay Quartrini On Record Deals

In this clip from www.artistshousemusic.org – Jay Quatrini, a partner at Davenport Lyons in New York City, talks about record deals and how they are made. He starts off with the many options an agreement can have that gives the… Continue reading

any record labels in los angeles california?

Question by gottadance162: any record labels in los angeles california?
to work for them . i need a couple best record labels companies?

Best answer:

Answer by walterplittle
Sometimes record labels post open positions on craigslist. Of… Continue reading

What is a good record label to get a sing contract?

Question by Will M: What is a good record label to get a sing contract?

Best answer:

Answer by Roman N
Make a Demo tape or cd of yourself singing and send it… Continue reading