Q&A: Two quick questions… yuh dig?
Question by Erowid!: Two quick questions… yuh dig?
MQ: What are your top 5 favorite music scenes of all time? If you don’t know what I mean, you’ll be able to figure out after… Continue reading
DJ Gosh fire Quick Quality (Make Hit Music)
Music composed by DJ Gosh fire Composer, Lyricist, DJ, Songwriter, Vocalist, Producer, Marketer, Mentor, Video Editing (Gosh fire Music Recordings Studio Productions) Marketing, Advertising & Distribution Make Hit Music: www.makehitmusic.com Make Hit Music: www.makehitmusic.com EMAIL: djgoshfire@gmail.com OR djgoshfiremusicstudio@gmail.com NEWEST, HOTTEST… Continue reading
How to Get Famous Quick: VC2

Chris Bell, a 24 year old magazine owner and alter-ego of hip-hop cabaret act The Midnight Expresso, believes it is entirely possible to make himself famous in thirty days. From his current audiences of 25 people and his extremely low… Continue reading
Quick — make a Justin Bieber film
Quick — make a Justin Bieber film
‘Never Say Never’ is an ‘insta-movie’ on the pop star that reflects a media culture consumed — and inspired — by fans. For decades, whenever a music or movie star popular with teenagers… Continue reading
why are people so quick to accept garbage, and immorality, singers don’t do blow jobs for 20 bucks, do they?
Question by Herb V: why are people so quick to accept garbage, and immorality, singers don’t do blow jobs for 20 bucks, do they?
this David Hernandez guy chose to work in a club where he stripped and did… Continue reading