I have a question about a contract, can anyone tell me what this means?
Question by shelliew: I have a question about a contract, can anyone tell me what this means?
The contractor and client shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless against all claims, damages, losses and expenses, including but not limited to… Continue reading
question about computers..?
by Paul Mayne
Question by careebearrss: question about computers..?
what can i delete off of my Dell, without messing anything up?
ad-aware 2007
adobe flash player activeX
adobe reader 8.1.2
Aim install
apple mobile device support
apple software… Continue reading
General record industry question?
by familymwr
Question by Yvonne: General record industry question?
Okay, so, I am a senior in high school who has always had a love for music. I wont go into detail, but I’ve always found anything to do with… Continue reading
Business law 101 question?
by SeattleRay
Question by Pat B: Business law 101 question?
A singed a contract agreeing to sell land he owned but reserved the right to take the hay from the land until the following October. He gave the contract… Continue reading
Musical question for those who really know their stuff!!?
Question by You can call me Rob: Musical question for those who really know their stuff!!?
Some artists have recorded music on various labels during their careers, but a few artists that come to mind have recorded the bulk… Continue reading