Where in California is there a pop punk or Alternative rock music scene ?
Question by Kling9d: Where in California is there a pop punk or Alternative rock music scene ?
I am moving to California (and yes, i do have enough money to pay for rents)… Continue reading
Daft punk – Derezzed – Robot edit
original by daft punk, samples from song and trailer. Edit by electromaboy soundcloud.com all content is owned and created by daft punk and its publishing companies. Enjoy!

If I Had A Talking Picture of You Lyrics – BG De Sylva… Continue reading
She’s a Punk Rocker UK ‘OFFICIAL TRAILER’
Download full film documentary £5.00 @ www.payloadz.com This is 5 min trailer for the film documentary ‘She’s a Punk Rocker UK’ Directed by Zillah Minx. Vocalist with Punk band Rubella Ballet. Its taken me over ten years without funding or… Continue reading
PUNK JAZZ WARMUP ( jazz psychedelic punk rock live performance video )
PSYCHEDELIC 12 STRING ACOUSTIC GUITAR WITH EFFECTS INSTRUMENTAL WITHOUT MYVOICE AND DRUM MACHINE: I’m Hooked up to my DigiTech GNX II for the guitar effects for this instrumental on my TAKAMINE 12 String acoustic guitar with a Dean Markley acoustic… Continue reading
where can i find a punk rock/alt/indie job in cincinnati, oh?
Question by wellie danger: where can i find a punk rock/alt/indie job in cincinnati, oh?
i have a bachelor’s degree from a great private college in theatre and music, and currently work as an editor for an ENORMOUS media… Continue reading