Is it possible to get music published if you don’t perform or record it yourself?
Question by nightmusic: Is it possible to get music published if you don’t perform or record it yourself?
And if you did get it published, how would you get anyone to use it?
Wake up, Donnie – I write… Continue reading
Q&A: Where can I get my music published online or get my band a record deal?
Question by crazydude2367: Where can I get my music published online or get my band a record deal?
I’ve been writing songs for my band and i was wondering where I can get them published or… Continue reading
How do I go about getting a guitar book published in the USA?
Question by Snoogums: How do I go about getting a guitar book published in the USA?
Rittor Music is a music company based in Japan. They have an instructional guitar book series that they would like to… Continue reading
How do you get music published?
Question by Alice: How do you get music published?
As in a classical music manuscript that you have written yourself. Where do you take it to make it known?
Best answer:
Answer by David T
If you’re trying to… Continue reading
When can I find when this music was published?
Question by spk: When can I find when this music was published?
I like to add music to the website IMSLP, a website with public domain/royalty free music (you don’t have to be a musician to answer this). It… Continue reading