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Can anybody provide 3-5 good reasons to establish a contract or agreement with another party?

Question by TJ: Can anybody provide 3-5 good reasons to establish a contract or agreement with another party?
Currently, a friend of mine has a business that does proofreading. He has several businesses that present proofreading services on their… Continue reading

ADT Awarded Contract by State of New Jersey to Provide Agencies with Security Equipment and Services

ADT Awarded Contract by State of New Jersey to Provide Agencies with Security Equipment and Services
BOCA RATON, Fla.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–ADT Security Services announced today that the state of New Jersey has joined a four-year cooperative procurement agreement with the National… Continue reading

Showcall Awarded Contract to Provide Production for Asian Pacific Economic Council Senior Official Meetings and Summit

signing a record contract!
recording contract
Image by bildungsr0man
new century classics recording session at the FDM label studio, lotyn, poland, 21-24 feb 2008

Showcall Awarded Contract to Provide Production for Asian Pacific Economic Council Senior Official Meetings and Summit
Showcall Inc.,… Continue reading

News-Herald headlines provide look at year in review

News-Herald headlines provide look at year in review
Some things change. Some stay the same. Half a year after Pennridge School District teachers’ last contract ended, there’s no agreement between the teachers and the school board on a new contract.… Continue reading

News-Herald headlines provide look at year in review

News-Herald headlines provide look at year in review
Some things change. Some stay the same. Half a year after Pennridge School District teachers’ last contract ended, there’s no agreement between the teachers and the school board on a new contract.… Continue reading