Does anybody know a free shipping promotion code for that I will qualify for?
Question by lamborghini518: Does anybody know a free shipping promotion code for that I will qualify for?
I have four things in my cart.
Music Theory For Guitarists (Books)
Burt’s Bees Shampoo and Conditioner (personal care)they… Continue reading
whats a good name for a young party promotion business?
Question by Designer: whats a good name for a young party promotion business?
im 16. Im a young entrepreneur. I don’t mean to brag, but im pretty popular and everyone seems to like me. I’ve done a couple of… Continue reading
Q&A: What should I do to pursue a career in promotion?
Question by greengirl637: What should I do to pursue a career in promotion?
I am into the whole music scene and promoting bands, and I do a little bit of promoting for capitol records and… Continue reading
Kayla Bliss – Road To Bliss Promotion
No Joke Records, R&B and Reggae Singer has a new album that’s currently in stores call “Road To Bliss”. Some of the music is available to listen and purchase on and on several online stores. Check out Kayla at… Continue reading
Latest Music Promotion News
South Carolina Newcomer C.KHiD Builds Buzz Through Viral Video, iTunes Releases
South Carolina rapper, C.KHiD, is quickly creating a buzz for himself with as his views on Youtube reach into the millions, and hopes to continue his rampage through 2011.… Continue reading