honestly, how can i become famous, how do i promote myself, what is a street promotion team and how does it?
Question by Robert: honestly, how can i become famous, how do i promote myself, what is a street promotion team and how does it?
work, what is a good talent agency for music and what… Continue reading
Has any promotion ever tried a shoot-style “Royal Rumble”, and if not, what would one be like?
Question by stevedziembowski: Has any promotion ever tried a shoot-style “Royal Rumble”, and if not, what would one be like?
With actual secret, random ordering, and 30 professional wrestlers complete with lights/music/costumes who actually don’t WANT to get thrown… Continue reading

HAIFA WEHBE HOLLAND CONCERT PROMOTION 2011 HD If you ever wanted to visit Holland.THE TIME IS NOW. January 29th 2011.Haifa live in concert, At Amsterdam’s music hall. Huge show. will be a sell out!!! Tickets online at WWW.ICEVENTS.NL
Video Rating:… Continue reading
Ok. I want make a change in my life and for my family. I want to start a promotion team.?
Question by Marcus P: Ok. I want make a change in my life and for my family. I want to start a promotion team.?
Ok I want to promote and put on parties and different concerts of music ranging… Continue reading
YABA ANGELOSI – Everybody Dance (Kalam Sah Album Promotion)
KALAM SAH Album promotion. Releases Spring 2011.