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Latest Top Music Producers News

Broadway’s Scottsboro Boys to Close Dec. 12
*”The Scottsboro Boys,” a musical based on the real story of nine black teenagers framed for rape and wrongfully put on death row, will close Dec. 12 on Broadway, reports the AP. Producers… Continue reading

Latest Famous Music Producers News

Civilian Studios Finds All The Things That Matter, All In One Place With Proust.com
For its launch rollout, startup Proust.com engaged production company Civilian Studios in an ongoing collaboration tailored for micro-targeted advertising strategy. The relationship is emblematic of Civilians… Continue reading

OfficialBootleggersTv Producers Edition – Episode 5 Craz-E

OfficialBootleggersTv is a Television Show on the network A1 Salto to help promote upcoming Artist with there Projects music videos, Interviews, Studio Sessions and many more. OfficialBootleggersTv Producers Edition. We are fallowing the hottest producers out now by asking what… Continue reading

Do you know if there are any good music producers in columbia Missouri? How can I get myself known?

Question by aprilb38127: Do you know if there are any good music producers in columbia Missouri? How can I get myself known?
My name is April and I want to be A famous christian singer one day… Continue reading

Any Music Producers from Puerto Rico looking for talent?

Question by Jensen A: Any Music Producers from Puerto Rico looking for talent?
Im 14 years old and my dream is to become a famous puertorican singer. I know How to sing. I need somebody to support me and… Continue reading