Q&A: Previous owner sees dollar signs and wants business back?
Question by Heavy Heart: Previous owner sees dollar signs and wants business back?
At least that is the way I see it. My husband has been working at a small liquor business for 15 or more… Continue reading
When a business incorporates, is the company legally bound to honor previous contracts?
Question by cerlandsen11: When a business incorporates, is the company legally bound to honor previous contracts?
My friend signed a 2 year accounting contract with a company to perform accounting duties. One year later, the… Continue reading
Q&A: I want to go into Recording Arts at LMU but I have no previous experience… will I make it?
Question by Taylor H: I want to go into Recording Arts at LMU but I have no previous experience… will I make it?
The only previous experience is working at a music management company as the intern and went… Continue reading
Previous tenants left behind stuff in rental home. How long do I have to keep it before I can throw it out?
Question by the_real_madcap: Previous tenants left behind stuff in rental home. How long do I have to keep it before I can throw it out?
I rented a house and the previous tenants left behind several boxes… Continue reading