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Q&A: How do I go about getting record companies to allow me to post there music and videos on my site?

Question by Mr.: How do I go about getting record companies to allow me to post there music and videos on my site?
How do I go about getting record companies to allow me to post there… Continue reading

Where can I post my music and gain some exposure?

Question by Justin: Where can I post my music and gain some exposure?
I’ve been writing and recording songs in my home and I would like to gain some exposure for my music in the hopes that… Continue reading

How do I post youtube videos with licensed music?

Question by nintendogeek01: How do I post youtube videos with licensed music?
Is it possible to post a video with just short… 20 or 30 second clips of licensed music? If not is there a way I can acquire… Continue reading

Pennsbury school board to post video of meetings on website

Lucas at RCMH, NYC
get a recording contract
Image by Duo de Hale
Lucas’ big moment. Radio city music hall. He rocked out and almost got a recording contract, but they only offered a paltry million. How pathetic. We thought this was the "big… Continue reading

Newsweek post yet to be filled

Newsweek post yet to be filled
Newsweek’s new owner, Sidney Harman, now calls the fruitless merger talks involving Barry Diller, Tina Brown and The Daily Beast an “unfortunate dalliance” while he concedes that he is nowhere close to finding a… Continue reading