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Is it possible to get music published if you don’t perform or record it yourself?

Question by nightmusic: Is it possible to get music published if you don’t perform or record it yourself?
And if you did get it published, how would you get anyone to use it?
Wake up, Donnie – I write… Continue reading

Q&A: Is it possible to do lease break?

Question by ayu0000: Is it possible to do lease break?
Currently, Im living an apartment style of sharing house. The house (apartment) has 3 floors + a basement. Each floors have 2 or 3 rooms and a… Continue reading

Is it possible to make your music folder match song information you’ve fixed through itunes?

Question by Clueless: Is it possible to make your music folder match song information you’ve fixed through itunes?
So i Re-arranged,corrected and added to my itunes library by doing so i labeled by genres,album names,album artwork… Continue reading

Is it possible to switch from the Navy to the Marines with more than 6 months left in your contract?

Question by jradcliff07: Is it possible to switch from the Navy to the Marines with more than 6 months left in your contract?
I have been in the Navy for 6 months, and performance dropped from… Continue reading

Is it possible to find a job in music without being able to play instruments?

Question by Farah K: Is it possible to find a job in music without being able to play instruments?
I am one of those people who listens to all kinds of music and knows about underground bands that no… Continue reading