I’m selling points of interest in a home to build and split the profit. What contract form is best to use?
Question by charles c: I’m selling points of interest in a home to build and split the profit. What contract form is best to use?
Investors will buy in at $ 1,000 per 1% of… Continue reading
Q&A: Music Management.. 10 points!?
Question by bed. (:: Music Management.. 10 points!?
I would love to work with Music Artists and get them high up. What are some thing I can do starting from high school to college to be prepared?
Best answer:… Continue reading
The word points in a music contract?
Question by jazzy D: The word points in a music contract?
I would like the have someone break down the word points in a music contract for me shawndel@tmail.com and publishing also the job of a real manager..please…
Best… Continue reading