What were the top three biggest record contracts ever signed? (please help!!)?
Question by Sarah: What were the top three biggest record contracts ever signed? (please help!!)?
money wise, like who was it how much did they make who signed them ect, you dont have to tell me all that just… Continue reading
Q&A: can anyone please give me a sample form of antichresis contract?
Question by kat: can anyone please give me a sample form of antichresis contract?
Best answer:
Answer by Joe
I suggest you to see http://ieducatorz.com it helped me for same after i browsed answers.yahoo.com for hours.… Continue reading
Business Law Homework, please and thank you =]?
Question by Kait: Business Law Homework, please and thank you =]?
Analyze the relationship entered into when a student enrolls in college or university. Has a contract been formed? If so, is it a bilateral contract or… Continue reading
How to get into show business? Please read?
Question by : How to get into show business? Please read?
I am 20 years old college student study and live in New York City. I have done some acting in high school. I can sing and dance,… Continue reading