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Directv vs. Comcast Please Help?

Question by Lately: Directv vs. Comcast Please Help?
I need help.. basically im moving and deciding on if i want comcast or directv (both with Dvr). please list your pros and cons as well
Thank you thank you thank… Continue reading

iPod Classic 160 GB is corrupted; I’ve done all I can think of to fix this but can’t Please read on & help?

Question by Nightlife Commando: iPod Classic 160 GB is corrupted; I’ve done all I can think of to fix this but can’t Please read on & help?
So I was synchronizing my iPod, and it failed, so… Continue reading

Colleges that teach Music Business / Industry please!?

Question by Felipe: Colleges that teach Music Business / Industry please!?
Any schools for music business out there?

Best answer:

Answer by Daniel

What do you think? Answer below!

Music producers: PLEASE help?!?

Question by GreenEyedGirl: Music producers: PLEASE help?!?
I want to be a music producer and eventually own my own record label. I’m currently in high school and I need help! I have so many questions. I know… Continue reading

Q&A: What are some top jobs within the music industry? PLEASE READ!!?

Question by ally: What are some top jobs within the music industry? PLEASE READ!!?
Im really into music, and into bands, musicians ect.
I like going to gigs, and reading about musicians and stuff like that.

Im 17, and… Continue reading