is there a place where i can get a store to sell music online?
Question by buttmom: is there a place where i can get a store to sell music online?
plz i ned to know
Best answer:
Answer by David P
If you have a web host which supports a configurable CGI-BIN… Continue reading
Is it legal to play popular music in a public place without any licensing?
Question by Seciden Mencarde: Is it legal to play popular music in a public place without any licensing?
I was going for a dual meaning: is it legal to perform popular music (covers) in public without… Continue reading
The Animals – We Gotta Get Out Of This Place (Cover)

I thought i would give this Animals number a try, a blast from the past…a real good beat to this one. -Kenny Some information on the track: WE GOTTA GET OUT OF THIS PLACE – Barry Mann and Cynthia Weil… Continue reading
Where is the best place to sell your music?
Question by Rhonda W: Where is the best place to sell your music?
Best answer:
Answer by eleazar g
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Q&A: Where can I find a good, FREE place for promoting/offering the licensing of my music.?
Question by J: Where can I find a good, FREE place for promoting/offering the licensing of my music.?
I am trying to get some more licensing deals with my music.
It’s pop/rock/dance style kind of like The… Continue reading