What is the best unlocked or locked phone (for T-Mobile) that I can buy for about $290?
Question by basketballftw3: What is the best unlocked or locked phone (for T-Mobile) that I can buy for about 0?
It has recently been my birthday, and I need a new phone. I’ve done plenty of research, but I… Continue reading
Do all cellular phone services come with one or two-year agreement/contract when purchasing new services?
Question by Giraffeton119: Do all cellular phone services come with one or two-year agreement/contract when purchasing new services?
Could you tell me if there is any cell phone service that does not require such contract? I know… Continue reading
Q&A: Motorola Droid phone without data plan?
by PeterTea
Question by .MINION.: Motorola Droid phone without data plan?
How can i get a smartphone like the droid or droid incredible but not have to pay data plan and just use wifi. I already have an lg… Continue reading
County renews phone contract
County renews phone contract
The North Platte Telegraph The Lincoln County Board of Commissioners has opted to sign a more expensive, but shorter-term phone service contract. Information technology director Brian Patterson presented two informal bids to the board on Monday.… Continue reading
What VERIZON phone should I ?
by PeterTea
Question by Alex B: What VERIZON phone should I ?
I am looking for a new verizon phone.
I text a lot.
I also want to listen to music and have a spot for headphones and
Have… Continue reading