Is the LG prime a good phone?
Question by Brianna: Is the LG prime a good phone?
My phone was recently stolenand now I’m switching from Metro to At&t and My parents hate the whole contract thing. [thanks to my older brothers & sisters] So, i… Continue reading
help, how do I get my iTunes music into a format I can use on my music phone press?
Question by tacman132: help, how do I get my iTunes music into a format I can use on my music phone press?
I got itunes and I have a music phone. Itunes keeps downloading music to my computer in… Continue reading
Q&A: If you buy an apple iphone 3G without a phone contract can I still upload music from itunes ? ?
Question by ashley!: If you buy an apple iphone 3G without a phone contract can I still upload music from itunes ? ?
Best answer:
Answer by ScottRASC
Yes. Except you can’t buy one without that contract… Continue reading
How long does a business have to keep service contracts? i.e. telephone companies, cellular phone companies?
Question by Jon_E_Girl: How long does a business have to keep service contracts? i.e. telephone companies, cellular phone companies?
How long do they have to keep the signed contract on file? For example, I signed a service agreement 11… Continue reading
Phone contracts, jail on meeting agenda
Phone contracts, jail on meeting agenda
The North Platte Telegraph The Lincoln County Board of Commissioners will talk phone contracts again at Monday’s meeting. Last week, the commissioners decided to wait to sign a contract with Qwest for county phone… Continue reading