Does any one know how to get songs publish to Record labels? And who to get in contact with over the phone?
Question by Tammshe: Does any one know how to get songs publish to Record labels? And who to get in contact with over the phone?
I’m a singer-songwriter, and I write songs and have tons of them, But I… Continue reading
Q&A: i joined yahoo music club, but i cannot play my music on my phone. Messase says”activication keys expired” .
Question by school07: i joined yahoo music club, but i cannot play my music on my phone. Messase says”activication keys expired” .
i joined yahoo music and they did charge me. I recently put music… Continue reading
T-Mobile Vairy Touch Mobile Phone Review

*** PLEASE WATCH IN HIGH QUALITY!! *** This is my review of the T-Mobile Vairy Touch mobile phone, created to help people who are buying a new phone to find the one that’s right for them. Phones Specifications: The T-Mobile… Continue reading
I need a new phone…. What do you suggest?
Question by нєпri: I need a new phone…. What do you suggest?
I need a new phone. I have the Nokia 5300 Xpress Music, and I am fed up with it. I’ve had it little over… Continue reading