Cell Phone Advice needed.?
Question by galadore03: Cell Phone Advice needed.?
I currently have the Apple I phone 3G. I am getting sorta bored with nit and it is about time for me to get a new phone. I like a… Continue reading
Intel, STMicro team up for phone memory
Intel, STMicro team up for phone memory
The flash from Intel and STMicro will be the same for years, which will save everyone lots of money.
Read more on ZDNet
Zuckerberg: No IPO Yet for Facebook
AllFacebook.com is reporting from… Continue reading
What’s the best cell phone with a music player with a loud speaker?
Question by MattyG: What’s the best cell phone with a music player with a loud speaker?
Contract almost up. Currently have U.S. Cellular. Phone must be reliable.
Best answer:
Answer by benz300coupe
I’m fairly happy with my… Continue reading