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percentage - 2/2 - Music Legal Contracts

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For contract work, should I accept lower pay in exchange for a percentage of the profits?

Question by Yes: For contract work, should I accept lower pay in exchange for a percentage of the profits?
I’m doing some contract computer programming work at $ 70 an hour. They’re offering me a slightly lower rate of… Continue reading

Q&A: Where can I find a music attorney that works on percentage and has connections to major publishing companies?

Question by Alex P Taylor: Where can I find a music attorney that works on percentage and has connections to major publishing companies?
I am currently recording my first album and am almost upon completion. I have already copyrighted… Continue reading

Q&A: How can I find an entertainment lawyer who will do work for a percentage of sales?

Question by Pickle: How can I find an entertainment lawyer who will do work for a percentage of sales?
I manage a music producer with great music, but cannot afford to have the contracts written for the business. Are… Continue reading

Q&A: How much of a percentage does the artist get off a tour?

Question by : How much of a percentage does the artist get off a tour?
I’m interested in how much of a percentage does the music artist get off a tour? How much money does actually go in… Continue reading

Q&A: what is the usual percentage a producer gets in royalties in a standard music contract?

Question by spittonastranger: what is the usual percentage a producer gets in royalties in a standard music contract?
my producer and i are working on my demo, and he wants me to sign a contract saying that… Continue reading