Q&A: Can’t get past user agreement screen….help!?
Question by GREGG E: Can’t get past user agreement screen….help!?
I am trying to download the music unlimited player app and can’t get past the user agreement screen. I click yes, hit next, and it just sticks.… Continue reading
Do you think that Lennons music is out dated and past why do they keep promoting him?
Question by Amanda_Greatorex: Do you think that Lennons music is out dated and past why do they keep promoting him?
Why are there constant promotions of old beatles music, isn’t it time they were left… Continue reading
What have been some negative changes in the country music industry in the past decade?
Question by d man: What have been some negative changes in the country music industry in the past decade?
I am currently writing an essay about how music industry has changed. I am not… Continue reading
Tales of the Past 3 – Teil 9/9 – (deutsche Untertitel)
Tales of the Past von Martin Falch. INFO: The last song was slaughtered by WMG! They do not understand that FAIR USED! Music on YouTube is one of the best and cheapest ways of music promotion. I have replaced the… Continue reading
What groups of people, in the past, were unable to form a contract due to civil laws?
Question by Shay: What groups of people, in the past, were unable to form a contract due to civil laws?
I am looking for groups of people, besides slaves or women, that could not commit to a… Continue reading